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The Animal Welfare Act, 2008

The Skins, Hides and Leather Trade Act, 2008

The Veterinary Act, 2003, 2003

The Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Act, Cap 219 of 2019

 Tanzania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 2003

The Animal Disease Act, 2003


 The Veterinary (Internship for Veterinarian) Regulations, 2020

The Veterinary (Internship for Paraprofessional) Regulations, 2020

The Veterinary Act (Veterinary Practice by Paraprofessional and Paraprofessional Assistants) Regulation, 2005

The Veterinary Act (Procedures for Registration for Veterinarian and Veterinary Specialists Regulations), 2005

The Veterinary Act (Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics for Veterinarians and Veterinary Specialists, 2005)

The Veterinary Act (Code of Conduct for Veterinary Paraprofessional and Paraprofessional Assistants) Regulations, 2005) Regulations, 2005

The Veterinary Council of Tanzania (Inquiries) Rules, 2004The Veterinary Council of Tanzania (Inquiries) Rules, 2004

The Veterinary Act (Veterinary Practice by Paraprofessionals and Paraprofessional Assistants) Regulations, 2005) Regulations, 2005

Animal Feed Premises Inspection Checklist


Application Form for Enrollment/Enlistment as a Paraprofessional/Paraprofessional Assistant

Application Form for Registration as a Veterinarian/Veterinary Specialist

Application Form for Registration of Practice Facility by Veterinary Professionals

Application Form for Registration of Practice Facility by Veterinary Paraprofessionals/Assistants


National Livestock Policy

Currently, TVA recognizes four categories of membership which are:

  1. Ordinary Members: for any person holding Veterinary Qualifications approved by the Veterinary Council of Tanzania (VCT).
  2. Associate Members: persons holding Veterinary Qualifications approved by VCT who belong to Veterinary Associations in other countries.
  3. Life Members: these are persons elected from within or without the Veterinary Professions due to distinguished services rendered to the Veterinary Profession or to the country.
  4. Corporate Members: these are firms and companies elected from within or without the Veterinary Professions whose undertakings are closely associated with the objectives of TVA.



All inquiries about the association please contact:

The Honorary Secretary
Tanzania Veterinary Association
P.O. Box 3174


For inquiries about scientific conference abstracts or conference papers please contact:

Chairman, Scientific Committee,
Tanzania Veterinary Association
P.O. Box 3174



For information about Tanzania Veterinary Journal please visit the Journal home page

For information about submission and publication of TVA conference papers please visit TVA conference page