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About Us

Tanzania Veterinary Association (TVA) (Registration number S.A. 22115) is a Professional Association with the following Objectives:

  1. To promote, protect and uphold the interests of the Veterinary profession
  1. To facilitate the interchange of knowledge and ideas concerning the theory and practice of Veterinary Medicine, especially to conditions existing inTanzania, and to discuss matters related to the profession.
  1. To help in every way possible to elevate the status of the profession and the Veterinary Services in the Country.
  1. To foster professional relationship with other sister association


Currently, TVA recognises four categories of membership which are:

  1. Ordinary Members: for any person holding Veterinary Qualifications   approved by the Veterinary Council of Tanzania (VCT).
  2. Associate Members: persons holding Veterinary Qualifications approved by VCT who belong to Veterinary Associations in other countries.
  3. Life Members: these are persons elected from within or without the Veterinary Professions due to distinguished services rendered to the Veterinary Profession or to the country.
  4. Corporate Members: these are firms and companies elected from within or without the Veterinary Professions whose undertakings are closely associated with the objectives of TVA.