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Article                                                TITLE



1        NAME

1.1  Application

1.2  Status

1.3  Head office

1.4  Official language

2        Interpretation



3.1  Establishment

3.2  Objectives

3.3  Functions of TVSA

4        Membership

Rights of members

Obligation of members

Responsibilities of members



5        TVSA FUNDS

5.1  Source of funds

5.2  Financial statement





6.1  Executive committee

6.2  General assembly

6.3  The president

6.4  The vice president

6.5  The Secretary General

6.6  The treasurer

6.7  The vice treasurer

6.8  The exchange officers

6.9  The information officers



7.1  Communication with the university authorities

7.2  Amendments of the constitution

7.3  Handling over the government

7.4  Procedures of meeting

7.5  Provisions of electoral rules

7.6  Provisions











1.1  NAME

The name of the student’s organization shall be the Tanzania veterinary Students Association in short TVSA.

1.2  Application

TVSA constitution shall govern the election of office bearers, define the specific function therefore elaborate the responsibility of the members and those of TVSA leadership and any other miscellaneous provisions as required under the constitution

1.3  Head office

The head quarters of TVSA shall be at the main campus of the Sokoine University of Agriculture at the Faculty of veterinary Medicine.

1.4  Official language

The official language shall be English.



In this constitution the following phrases will be interpreted to mean the following:

“Annual handling over reports” Means; reports prepared submitted and presented as established in this constitution and which contains the plans, implementation, success, failures and recommendations of the outgoing office bearers.

By election” Means; elections held to fill a post of office bearers which have been left vacant after  the election period or several months before the election established under this rule.

Chief executive” Means; the general secretary who shall be responsible for carrying out TVSA day to day activities as established by this constitution.

Constitution” Means; Tanzania veterinary Students Association constitution.

“Defaulter”   Means; a person who violates the constitution or the rules or both

“Executive member” Means; a member of the Executive committee

“Executive committee” Means; the governing board of the TVSA

“Exchange Officer”  Means; an executive committee member who organises the delivery of information with external veterinary boards

“General Assembly” Means; assembly involving all veterinary students

“General Secretary” Means; the TVSA General Secretary

“Information Officer” Means; the TVSA information delivery personnel

“President” Means; the TVSA president

“Rules” Means; the electoral rules, financial rules and any other rules provided in accordance with the constitution

“Signatories” Means the elected TVSA members and confirmed by the executive committee assigned the duties to sign bank financial document on behalf of TVSA as provided by this constitution

“Student” Means; any person admitted to the University and under the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine taking a degree of Veterinary Medicine.

“Treasurer” Means; a person elected as this constitution, who organizes, manage and plan for the finance of the TVSA.

“University” Means; the admission board which is Sokoine University of Agriculture

“Vice Treasurer” Means; the elected person to assist the Treasurer

“Vice president” Means; TVSA vice President elected in accordance to this constitution

In this constitution words,  phrases, expressions and other roles not expressed defined herein above shall be given ordinary interpretation assigned to them depending on the context, technical and legal meaning.


                                                PART II


3.1  Establishment

There is hereby established an organization to be known Tanzania Veterinary Students Association herein after referred to as TVSA

3.2  Objectives

TVSA shall be a common student’s organization and have the following objectives:-

  1. Facilitate cooperation among the veterinary students of Sokoine University of Agriculture.
  2. Facilitate cooperation between TVSA and any other Student’s Organization with similar aims.
  3. To work for and ensure recognition and acceptance of University Veterinary Students in the building of equalitarian society and furtherance of common social, political and economic objectives of the people of Tanzania in a manner acceptable to the laws of the country and the rules and regulations governing the University community.
  4. To promote research training extension and production in accordance with the prevailing laws of the country.
  5. To develop leadership capabilities within the students community.
  6. To safeguard the rights of veterinary students in accordance with the laws and regulation.



3.3  Functions of TVSA

TVSA in the pursuit of its objectives designated above shall in consultation with the management carry out the following function:

a)      To initiate sponsor or undertake academic, social and production activities for the benefits of the students of the Veterinary Medicine.

b)      To organise debates, seminars, workshops, conferences, congresses, study tours, and symposia to enhance intellectual and political awareness of the student’s community.

c)      To seek funding and sponsorship to assist students activities.

d)      To communicate and promote relationship with the faculty, University management and other organization.

e)      To establish committees for effective pursuit  of objectives of TVSA

f)       To assist in the counselling of students with regards to social economic and academic matters

g)      To lead Veterinary in search for their rights in conformity with the objectives of TVSA and those in the university

h)      To undertake any other activities or function in conformity with TVSA objectives.

i)        To represent veterinary students in any prescribed organization, institution or any required themes.

4        Membership

Membership, right, obligation and responsibility of the members

4.1  Membership

Every students of Veterinary Medicine shall be a member of TVSA

4.2  Rights of the members:

Every member of TVSA shall be:

a)      Entitled to participate in all activities of TVSA

b)      Eligible to vote and hold office

c)      Entitled to obtain and inspect copies of the TVSA documents upon request on the general secretary

d)      Entitled to receive publications of TVSA consensus as shall be determined by TVSA

e)      Entitled to audience and freedom of expression before appropriate organs of TVSA without breaching peace and order.

4.3  Obligation of the members

All members of TVSA shall uphold this constitution and shall in particular endeavour to:

a)      Use their education for the benefit of humanity

b)      Educate themselves in the best of their capabilities

c)      Pay fees and subscriptions when due

d)      Carry out assignments

e)      Be exemplinary in self-discipline and industriousness in execution of their responsibilities

f)       Participate as far as possible in all activities of TVSA

g)      Refraining from influencing TVSA or its office bearers in any manner which will appear to prejudice the status of TVSA.

4.4  Responsibilities of members

Fees and subscriptions

a)      Each and TVSA member shall such membership and subscription fees to the treasure and shall be determined and reviewed by the TVSA in its annual budget

b)      Where any TVSA member fails to pay annual subscription fees within the first month of  the new academic year, the treasurer shall send notice to such member and where the member shall not pay the required amount within one month from the posting of such notice a member may be notified as a defaulter








5        PART III


5.1  Sources of funds

TVSA shall derive its funds from the following sources

a)      Membership fees

b)      Annual subscription fees

c)      Loans

d)      Collections e.g. during charity works, sales of memorabilia

e)      Fundraising activities

f)       Projects

g)      Grants


5.2  Financial statement

The annual financial statement for TVSA executive committee and class representatives and shall be available from any going TVSA leaders to all Veterinary Students through general at least a week before inauguration of incoming TVSA leaders.



6.1  The TVSA Executive committee

6.1.1        There is hereby established the TVSA executive committee as the arm of TVSA and in pursuit of TVSA objectives which shall comprise of the President, Vice president, general secretary, treasurer, vice treasure, exchange officer and information officer.

6.1.2        The executive committee shall be responsible to the general assembly in implementing decisions made by the general assembly and shall handle all day to day activities of TVSA.

6.1.3        The executive committee shall make recommendations to the General assembly   in matters related to student’s affairs.

6.2  The meeting of the executive committee

a)      There shall be executive committee meeting and the president and the vice President shall be the chairperson and Vice chairman of the meeting respectively.

b)      The General Secretary shall be the secretary of the meeting.

c)      All the TVSA office bearers as defined in this constitution shall be members of the executive committee meeting.

d)      The executive meeting shall be held at least once in every mouth.

e)      At the meeting of the executive committee, a half of members in the office shall constitute a quorum. The president, vice president and General secretary shall be chairperson, vice chair person and Secretary respectively. In case the President is absent the vice president shall be the chairperson or if both are absent then the General Secretary shall be the chairperson and the secretary shall be elected among its present members.

f)       All decisions made by the executive committee shall be by a simple majority.

6.3  The president

There shall be a president of TVSA elected by the members of TVSA who shall be the head of TVSA executive committee and chairperson for the General assembly.

a)      Any candidate contesting for the presidential office shall be declared duly elected President only if he has obtained  more votes than the other contesting candidates (simple majority)

b)      All other matters concerning the procedure for election of the president shall be as provided for in the rules promulgated by the General assembly in that behalf

c)      The president shall hold the office for a term of one year

6.3.1        Powers and functions of the president.

a)      The president in consultation with the vice president and the general secretary shall have the powers to make and terminate appointment of members of the general secretary

b)      The President shall be the head of TVSA and the chief spokesman and shall preside over general assembly meetings

c)      The president shall have the responsibility of defending questioned so to do by any or all the members attending any of the general assembly or executive committee meeting provided that nothing shall be construed and preventing any of his government office bearers from assisting the president in giving such defence and that there shall be collective responsibility by such office bearers for all resolutions and proposals made.

d)      The president shall in consultation with the vice president have the power to establish committees for economical project or for any other special duties of the TVSA government, provided that the committee heads and chairpersons  and all members are appointed by the president and approved by the executive committee and that the TVSA government shall prepare policy proposal establishing functions of each for such committees for endorsement by executive committee without which the committee shall be considered null or void. The committee shall be composed by any TVSA member.

e)      The president shall attend faculty board meetings and other related meeting representing the TVSA members.

f)       The president shall be among the signatories of the TVSA funds

g)      The president shall have such other functions (as conferred upon him by this constitution) in furtherance of TVSA objectives which do not conflict with this constitution

6.3.2        Loss/vacant of office of the president

Notwithstanding article 6.3(c), the office of president shall be vacant upon occurrence of the following events:

a)      Resignation of the president

b)      Death of the president

c)      Impeachment of the president by the general assembly or the executive committee according to the provision of this constitution

d)      Discontinuation from the studies

e)      Postponement /complication of studies

In such cases the vice president shall assume full power of the president, unless he sooner resigns or dies or be discontinued from studies or postpone studies, vice president shall hold the office of the president for a period of until the new president is elected. The election of the president shall be carried out 21days from when the president office is vacant



6.3.3        Absence /Incapacity

In the event that the president is absent or incapacitated for any reason not stated under article 6.3.2 the duties and function of the president shall be discharged by the vice president or if his office is vacant then the General Secretary shall resume all the powers  Where any of the person specified above discharge the duties and functions of the president by reason that the person proceeding him is absent then such a person shall cease to discharge  those duties and immediately after that other person proceeding him returns and assume discharge of duties and functions of the president


6.3.4        Impeachment

Thegeneral assembly may pass a resolution to remove the president from office if a motion to impeach the president is moved and passed by half of the general assembly members attending such a meeting.  No motion to impeach the president shall be moved save only if it is alleged that the president

a)      Has committee acts which generally violates any provision of this constitution

b)      Has conducted himself in a manner which lowers the esteem of the office of the president   Where impeachment of the president is successful he/she shall cease to hold office immediately and election of the president shall be called within 21 days where the vice president shall resume powers till a new president is elected.

6.4  The vice president

There shall be vice president who shall be the principal assistance of the president in respect to all matters concerning to student well fare and particularly shall

a)      Assist the president in making follow up of day to day matters activities plans, and programmes of TVSA

b)      Perform all duties and functions assigned to him by the president

c)      Perform all duties and function of the office of president when the president is out of the office


6.4.1        The vice president shall perform the function under the direction of the president and shall be answerable to the president in respect of any matters or function assigned to him by the president

6.4.2        The vice president shall assume powers in the day the executive committee assumes office

6.4.3        The vice president shall assume powers as in article 6.3.2, 6.3.3 and 6.3.4 above.


6.5  The General Secretary

The general secretary shall be elected by the general assembly among veterinary students in accordance to the electoral rules by this constitution

a)      The General Secretary shall be the chief executive officer of the TVSA

b)      The General Secretary shall be responsible for the preparation of the TVSA almanac and shall convene all the TVSA government meeting

c)      The General Secretary shall be responsible to prepare and submit before the general assembly a brief report of the events that has occurred during the representation of TVSA to any tour, symposium, seminar, workshop ,conference, or congress of any member or group members of the TVSA

d)      The General Secretary shall be responsible for giving feedbacks to TVSA members from meetings where students have been represented. This shall be done promptly not more than one week after the meeting in question

e)      The General Secretary shall have the mandate to summon the Executive Committee or General Assembly at any time when the need arise.

f)       The General Secretary shall perform the duties assigned to him by the president or as may be prescribed by the General Assembly or the Executive committee.

6.6  The treasurer

The treasurer shall be elected by the general assembly among veterinary students in accordance to the electoral rules by this constitution and the duties shall be as follows:

a)      The treasurer shall be entrusted to collect funds, provide receipts and keeps of records for all financial transactions undertaken in the specific term of leadership with collaboration with the executive committee as specified by this constitution.

b)      Prepare, formulate and organise all fundraising opportunities and activities and present to the executive Committee and General assembly for approval to take effects

c)      Participate with assistance of Assistant Treasurer and Class Representatives to collect funds and contributions from TVSA members

d)      The treasurer shall monitor all day to day financial requirement and transactions undertaken by the TVSA authorities

e)      The treasurer shall be entrusted to manage and control all finances of TVSA bank account

f)       The treasurer shall be accountable to the General Assembly and executive committee and shall provide explanations when required to do so by above mentioned bodies or any TVSA member

g)      The treasurer shall be required to step down if votes of no confidence from  2/3 of members attending the General  Assembly in case of  misuse of the TVSA  funds or any offending activities


6.7  The assistant treasurer

The Assistance Treasurer shall be elected by the general assembly among veterinary students in accordance to the electoral rules and regulations by this constitution and the duties shall be as follows:

a)      Assist  the treasurer in day to day activities as defined by the constitution in article 6.6

b)      To assume power and duties of the Treasurer in case of absence, resignation, discontinuation from studies, postponement of studies, or when a vote of no confident is carried out by the General Assembly.

c)      The assistance shall be subjected to provide answers in collaboration with the treasurer of any financial status of the TVSA




6.8  Information officer

The Information Officer shall be elected by the general assembly among veterinary students in accordance to the electoral rules and regulations by this constitution and the duties shall be as follows:

a)      The information shall officer shall be the information disseminator through posters, letters, and other convenient means of communications

b)      Receive information from the TVSA members and 

6.9  The exchange officer

The Exchange Officer shall be elected by the general assembly among veterinary students in accordance to the electoral rules and regulations by this constitution and the duties shall be as follows:

a)      To organise, coordinate exchange programmes between veterinary students of SUA and other institutions

b)      To organise any arising activities in collaboration with information officer, such activities may include Bonanza, Presentation and related activities

c)      The Exchange officer shall be a link between Tanzania Veterinary Students Association and the external associations in other countries including the International Veterinary Students Association, IVSA and with collaboration with the Executive committee make decisions concerning the TVSA in the external affairs.














7.1  Principal Organs

These shall be:

  1.                     i.            The executive committee
  2.                   ii.            The general assembly

7.1.1        The executive Committee

As provided under article 6.1 of this constitution.

7.1.2        The General Assembly

The Veterinary Student’s Assembly hereinafter referred to as General assembly shall be constituted by all students of veterinary medicine in Tanzania.

a)      The chairperson of the general assembly will be the TVSA president or vice president in the absence of the president.

b)      The general assembly shall be summoned by the General Secretary or the president holding the office

c)      The General assembly shall assemble at least ones in the year either at the end or beginning of each semester to discuss matters bought forward by the executive committee and matters of relevance with interest to the students

d)      The general assembly shall convene any emergence meeting which shall be called upon by the General secretary or the president when a matter of urgency arises and requires the general assembly decisions

e)      The general assembly shall be supreme to the Executive committee

f)       To evaluate and take appropriate actions on the annual general handover reports and activities of executive committee or ordered so to be submitted by the office leaders

g)      To discipline the president, vice president, general secretary or any office bearer including suspension of their services provided that 2/3 of the votes of members attending is obtained.




There is hereby established an electoral Committee of TVSA for the purpose of conducting election of TVSA.

8.1.1        The composition of the electoral committee shall be constituted by one representative student from each class, two representative CRs from CRs board, two visiting members one from postgraduate students and the other appointed representative of the TVSA patron who shall represent the Patron.

8.1.2        The election of Electoral committee shall be affected at least thirty days prior to the general elections



9        Communication with the University management and other Organs

The President or other student’s representatives shall consult the University management through the Dean of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine as often as deemed necessary to discuss on various issues of interest to the University Community

10    Amendment of the constitution

a)      This constitution may be amended by 2/3 majority of the general assembly members provided that there shall be formed a committee under the lead of the General Secretary. The committee shall present the amendments before the General assembly for voting

b)      The amendment shall then be approved by 2/3 of the veterinary students attending the general assembly

11    Handling over TVSA government

a)      There shall be keeping of all information of all former office bearers of TVSA

b)      At the end of each term the government shall hand over power and all instruments of governance to the incoming government. These instruments shall include but not limited to financial status report of outgoing government

c)      The government that have been given a vote of no confidence, shall immediately surrender the office and any defaults of this rule shall lead to disciplinary actions against the whole overruled government

d)      No student or group of students shall use the name of TVSA without prior to written onset of the general secretary

12    Procedures of meeting

12.1          Every  meeting of TVSA organ shall be subject to the provision of this constitution to regulates its own proceedings

12.2          In the events of quality votes, a person presiding over the TVSA organ meeting shall have the power of casting a vote in addition to his deliberative vote

13    Procedure of resignation from office

Any person who holds office under any of the provision of this constitution may, by giving sufficient reason resign his office, by submitting a written notice to that effect to the general Secretary in which he/she will submit it to the Executive Committee, provided that such resignation shall take effect from the date on which the notice is received and accepted by the addressee

14    Provision of the Financial Rules

There shall be financial rules to be revised from time to time by the Executive committee and approved by the General assembly. These regulations shall be used congruently with other TVSA rules guiding all financial matters